– Order of Preachers, founded in 1216 by Saint. Dominika Guzmán, 800 YEARS OF HERITAGE AND TRADITION.
Lubelski Monastery with the Basilica of Saint Stanislaus, called Lublin Wawel is an unique 13th-century complex, expanded in the 14th century from the King Casimir the Great Foundation, a monument inscribed on the Heritage List European, located in an area recognized as History Monument.
This is the oldest institution of the city of Lublin, the first university of higher education in the eastern Polish lands – a place of dialogue between cultures and denominations, places of swearing of the Polish-Lithuanian Union in 1569
“Monastery in the heart of the city” – renovation of the Basilica of the Dominican Fathers in Lublin “under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020″ Protection of cultural heritage and development of cultural resources”
The main goal of the project:
Protection and access to the cultural heritage of Eastern Poland.
Beneficiary: Monastery of the Dominican Fathers in Lublin
Implementation period: 2016-2018
Co-financing of the EU project: PLN 15.6 million